Top Tourist Destinations 1998 (Top 20)
The World Tourism Organization (WTO) recently released their data for the world's top tourist destinations for 1998. Below is a list of the twenty top countries that received tourists for more than one day, along with the number of visitors for 1998.
From the WTO's fascinating list, additional details can be discerned. For example, France receives 11.2% of the world's travelers. Spain, Portugal, and Greece each had large jumps in the number of tourists between 1997 and 1998 (10%, 16%, and 10%, respectively). Hungary suffered a drop of 15% and China's number of tourists decreased by 7.7%.
Countries that many people often associate with travel, were not on the list of the top twenty. Surprisingly, countries such as Croatia (31st) and South Africa (25th) beat Japan (32nd), Australia (33rd), and Brazil (39th). Overall, the top 20 countries account for 73.6% of all visits worldwide.
: travel statistics top tourist destinations traveltop 20 countries
- France
70,000,000 - Spain
47,743,000 - United States
47,127,000 - Italy
34,829,000 - United Kingdom
25,475,000 - China
24,000,000 - Mexico
19,300,000 - Poland
18,820,000 - Canada
18,659,000 - Austria
17,282,000 - Germany
16,504,000 - Czech Republic
16,325,000 - Russia
15,810,000 - Hungary
14,660,000 - Portugal
11,800,000 - Greece
11,077,000 - Switzerland
11,025,00 - Hong Kong
9,600,000(considered separately as Special Administrative Region of China) - Turkey
9,200,000 - Thailand