Acronym List - Letter C
: acronyms abkuerzungen letters extensions
- C++ C++ [computer, language]
- CAA Civil Aviation Authority [transportation, government] (UK)
- CAA Computer Aided Animation [computer]
- CAB Cabinet [computer, format]
- CAB Community Advisory Board [management]
- CAC Call Admission Control [computer, networking]
- CAD Computer Aided Design [computer]
- CAE Common Application Environment [computer]
- CAE Computer Aided Engineering [computer]
- CAF Cooperación Andina de Fomento [organization] (FR)
- CAF Cost and Freight [trade and industry] (US)
- CAL Client Access License [computer, software, Lotus]
- CAL Computer Aided Learning [computer]
- CAL Creative Application Labs, SIGGRAPH [computer]
- CAM Common Access Model/Method [computer]
- CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing [computer]
- CAM Concentrator Access Module [computer, networking]
- CAM Content Addressable Memory [computer, hardware]
- CAN Canada [country]
- CAN Cancel [ASCII]
- CAN Customer Access Network [computer, networking]
- CAP Canadian Association of Palynologist [association] (CA)
- CAP Carrier Amplitude/Phase Modulation [computer, telecommunication]
- CAP Civil Air Patrol (US)
- CAP Computer Aided Planning [computer]
- CAP Computer Aided Printing [computer]
- CAP Computer Aided Publishing [computer]
- CAP CTM Access Profile [telecommunication]
- CAQ Computer Aided Quality Assurance [computer]
- CAS Chemical Abstracts Service [chemistry]
- CAS Column Address Select/Strobe [computer, hardware]
- CAS Communication Application Sepcification [computer]
- CAS Computer Application Software [computer]
- CAS Conditional Access System [computer]
- CAS Contract Audit Services [Anderson Consulting]
- CAS Court Of Arbitration For Sport [sports]
- CAT Computer Aided Technologies [computer]
- CAT Computer Aided Tomography [medical]
- CAU Concentrator Access Unit [computer, networking]
- CAV Constant Angular Velocity [physics]
- CbC Call by Call [telecommunication]
- CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [company] (CA)
- CBC Cornering Brake Contol [car, technology, BMW]
- CBD Cash Before Delivery [trade and industry] (US)
- CBE Commander of the British Empire [title] (GB)
- CBI Computer Based Instruction [computer]
- CBI Control Break International [computer, company]
- CBL Computer Based Learning [computer]
- CBL Contextual Browsing Language [computer, language, XML, Internet]
- CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission [association] (DE)
- CBO Chicago Board of Trade [trade and industry] (US)
- CBO Congressional Budget Office [government] (US)
- CBR CAS before RAS [computer]
- CBR Constant Bit Rate [computer, networking]
- CBR Content-Based Retrieval [computer]
- CBS Columbia Broadcasting System [company] (US)
- CBT Computer Based Training [computer, software]
- CBT Core Based Tree [computer]
- CBX Computerized Branch Exchange
- CCA Cisco Clean Access [computer, networking, Cisco]
- CCB Communication Control Block [computer, networking]
- CCC Chaos Computer Club [association] (DE)
- CCC Conference Control Channel [computer]
- CCD Charged Coupled Device [computer, hardware]
- CCE Control Creation Edition [computer, software, Microsoft Visual Basic]
- CCF Chinese Computer Federation [computer, association] (CN)
- CCG Centro de Computação Gráfica [computer, company] (PT)
- CCI Commercial Communications, Inc. [company, publishing] (US)
- CCI Commodation Change Index [banking and broking, charts]
- CCI Common Client Interface [computer]
- CCI Computer Composition International [company] (DK)
- CCI Credit Card Institute [banking and broking]
- CCK Client Customization Kit [computer, software, Internet, Netscape]
- CCM Color Management System [computer, software, publishing]
- CCM Counter with CBC-MAC [computer, networking]
- CCM Cubic centimeter [unit]
- CCM Cybergraphic's Component Manager [computer, software, Cybergraphic product]
- CCN Canadian Corporate Newsnet [company]
- CCN Cordless Communication Network [computer, networking]
- CCP CAN Calibration Protocol [computer, protocol, ASAP standard]
- CCR Channel Control Register [computer, hardware]
- CCR Commitment, Concurrency, Recovery
- CCR Creedence Clearwater Revival [music, band]
- CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security [conference]
- CCS Carbon Capture and Storage [technology, chemistry]
- CCS Common Cummunications Support
- CCW Classic Center Weimar [company] (DE)
- CDA Communications Decency Act [law] (US)
- CDA Compound Document Architecture [DEC]
- CDB Caribbean Development Bank [organization]
- CDC Carl-Duisberg-Centrum [company] (DE)
- CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [organization, government] (US)
- CDC Control Data Corporation [computer, company]
- CDC Cult of the Dead Cow [computer, hacker]
- CDE Commission on Development and Exchange [group]
- CDE Common Desktop Environment [computer, software, Sun]
- CDE Compact Disc Erasable [computer, storage]
- CDF Channel Definition Format [computer, format, Microsoft]
- CDF Comma Delimited Format [format]
- CDF Common Data Format [computer, format]
- CDF Cyberspace Description Format [computer, format]
- CDG Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft e.V. [society] (DE)
- CDG Charles De Gaulle Paris [person, airport] (FR)
- CDI Common Rail Direct Injection [technology, car]
- CDI Compact Disc Interactive [computer, format]
- CDI Cyrel Digital Imaging [publishing, DuPont product]
- CDL Closed Distribution License (computer,)
- CDL Component Definition Language [computer, CORBA]
- CDN Content Delivery/Distribution Network [computer, Internet]
- CDO Chief Development Officer [business]
- CDO Collateralized Debt Obligation [banking and brokerage]
- CDP Carbon Disclosure Project
- CDP Columbia Data Products, Inc. [company] (US)
- CDP Constructive Page Description [computer, software, Fraunhofer-IGD product]
- CDP Continuous Data Protection [computer, storage]
- CDP Cresyl Diphenyl Phosphate [chemistry]
- CDR Commander [military] (US)
- CDR Compact Disc Recordable [computer, hardware]
- CDR Corel Draw! [computer, format, file extension, Corel]
- CDS Content Distribution Services [computer, software, Documentum product]
- CDT Cambridge Display Technolgie [computer, hardware]
- CDT Center for Democracy and Technology [organization]
- CDT Central Daylight Time [time] (US)
- CDT Common Documentation Tool [computer, software, Pironet-NDH product]
- CDU Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands [party] (DE)
- CDW Collision Damage Waiver [insurance]
- CEC Capillary Electrochromatography [chemistry]
- CEC Channel Editorial Center [computer, software, Internet, Fantastic Corp. product]
- CEC Commission of the European Communities [group]
- CEE Concurrent Engineering Europe [conference]
- CEG Continous Edge Graphics
- CEL CIP3 Editing Library [computer, software, Fraunhofer-IGD product]
- CEL Crystal Entity Layer [computer, games, Crystal Space]
- CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation (FR)
- CEO Chief Executive Officer [business, management]
- CEP Connection End Point
- CER Channel Error Register [computer, hardware]
- CES Consumers Electronics Show [fair]
- CET Central European Time [time]
- CFB Chekiang First Bank, Hongkong [company, banking and broking]
- CFC ColdFusion Components [computer, software, Macromedia]
- CFD Call For Discussion [slang, chat]
- CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics [math]
- CFD Contracts for Difference [banking and brokerage]
- CFF Chemins de fer fédéraux ( [company, transportation] (CH)
- CFF Compact Font Format [computer, format]
- CFG Condor Fluggesellschaft [company] (DE)
- CFG Configuration
- CFI CAD Framework Initiative, Inc. [company]
- CFI Cost, Freight, and Insurance [trade and industry] (US)
- CFM ColdFusion Markup Template [computer, format, Allaire]
- CFM Common Functional Model [computer]
- CFO Chief Financial Officer [business, management]
- CFP Call for papers
- CFR Commited Flow Rate [computer, networking]
- CFS Corporate Financial Services [computer, Debis] (DE)
- CFS Cryptographic File System [computer, format, AT&T]
- CFV Call For Vote [slang, chat]
- CFX ColdFusion Extension [computer, format, Allaire]
- CGA Colour Graphics Adapter [computer, hardware]
- CGB Christlicher Gewerkschaftsbund Deutschland [association, trade union] (DE)
- CGH Computer Generated Hologram [computer]
- CGI Charged Gasoline Injection [technology, car, Mercedes]
- CGI Common Gateway Interface [computer, protocol, Internet]
- CGI Computer Generated Imagery [computer, graphics]
- CGI Computer Graphics Interface [computer, graphics]
- CGM Computer Graphics Metafile [format, extension]
- CGS Centimeter-Gram-Second [unit]
- CGS Computer Graphics Society [computer, society]
- CGT Capital gains tax [trade and industry]
- CGU Computer Graphics Unit [computer]
- CGW Computer Graphics World [computer, publishing]
- CGW Customer Gateway [computer, networking]
- CHA Cham/Oberpfalz, Bayern [car license] (DE)
- CHF Schweizer Franken [currency] (CH)
- CHI Chicago, Illinois, USA [flight]
- CHI Computer Human Interface/Interaction [computer]
- CHK Check Register Against Bounds [computer, command]
- CHM Compiled HTML [computer, format, Microsoft]
- CHM Cooperative Hypermedia [computer]
- CHO Chinese Hamster Ovar [biology, medical]
- CHR Christus (DE)
- CHS Cylinders, Heads, Sectors [computer, hardware]
- CIA Central Intelligence Agency [government] (US)
- CIC Cinema International Corporation [company]
- CIC Counter Intelligence Corps [government] (US)
- CIC Creative Internet Consulting [computer, company, Internet]
- CID Character Identifier [computer]
- CID Configuration, Installation, Distribution [computer, software, IBM]
- CID Criminal Investigation Department [government] (GB)
- CIE Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage [group]
- CIF Common Intermediate Format [computer, format]
- CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight [trade and industry] (US)
- CIM Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklu (DE)
- CIM Collaborative Information Manager [computer, software, Tibco product]
- CIM Common Information Model [computer, software]
- CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- CIM Customer Information Management [computer, software, Opentext product]
- CIO Chief Information Officer [business, management]
- CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations [trade union] (US)
- CIP Cataloguing In Publication [bibliography]
- CIS Card Information Structure
- CIS Cascade Inline Scripting [computer, script language, Cascade product]
- CIS Center for Information Services [computer, company] (DE)
- CIS CIS Integration Services
- CIS Client Information Server [computer]
- CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
- CIS Compuserve Information Service [computer, Compuserve]
- CIS Computerized Information System
- CIW Certified Internet Webmaster Foundation [computer, Internet, group]
- CIW Chemieingenieurwesen (DE)
- CIX Commercial Internet Exchange [computer, Internet]
- CJD Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands [association] (DE)
- CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease [medical, disease]
- CJK Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit [disease] (DE)
- CJO Chemical Journals Online [computer, bibliography]
- CKD Completely Knocked-Down
- CKO Chief Knowledge Officer [business, management]
- CKW Chlorkohlenwasserstoff [chemistry] (DE)
- CLC Color Laser Copier [Canon product line]
- CLF NCSA Common Log Format [computer, format, Internet]
- CLI Call Level Interface [computer, software, database, X/Open]
- CLK Clock [computer, signal]
- CLM Content Lifecycle Management [computer, management]
- CLP Cell Loss Priority [computer, networking]
- CLP Certifies Lotus Professional [computer, software, Lotus]
- CLP City-Light-Poster [marketing] (DE)
- CLP Cloppenburg, Niedersachsen [car license] (DE)
- CLR Clear An Operand [computer, command]
- CLR Common Language Runtime [computer, software, Microsoft]
- CLS Classified Layout System [Managing Editor product]
- CLS Clear Screen [computer, DOS command]
- CLS Connectionless Server [computer, networking]
- CLV Constant Linear Velocity [physics]
- CMA Cash Management Account [banking and broking]
- CMA Concert Multi-thread Architecture [computer]
- CMB Caspar, Melchior und Balthasar [religion]
- CMB Christus mansionem benedicat [religion]
- CMC Channel Management Center [computer, software, Internet, Fantastic Corp. product]
- CMC Computer Mediated Communication [computer, networking]
- CMC Content Management Center [computer, software, BroadVision product]
- CMD Command [computer]
- CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange [trade and industry] (US)
- CML Chemical Markup Language [computer, language, chemistry]
- CMM Capability Maturity Model [computer, software]
- CMM Color Management Module [computer, software]
- CMO Chief Marketing Officer [business, management]
- CMP Compare [computer, command]
- CMP Container Managed Persistency [computer, software, Java, Sun]
- CMP Cross Media Publishing [computer]
- CMR Competitive Media Reporting [computer, software, company]
- CMS Catalog Management System [computer, software, Pindar product]
- CMS Color Management System [computer, software]
- CMS Compact Muon Spectrometer [physics, CERN]
- CMS Content Management System [computer, software, Internet]
- CMT Connection Management [computer, networking]
- CMT Container Managed Transactions [computer, software, Java]
- CMU Carnegie Mellon University (US)
- CMY Cyan, Magenta, Yellow [color space]
- CNB Collective Notebook [method]
- CNC Computerized Numerical Control
- CND Caldera Network Desktop [computer, software, Caldera product]
- CNE Certified NetWare Engineer [computer, Novell]
- CNF Chomsky Normal Form [computer, theory]
- CNF Configuration File [computer, extension]
- CNG Callig Tone [telecommunication]
- CNI Coalition for Networked Information [organisation]
- CNI Computer Network Integrators [company] (US)
- CNN Cable News Network [broadcast, company] (US)
- CNO Chief of Naval Operations [military] (US)
- CNS Central Nervous System [medical]
- CNS Color Naming System [color space]
- CNS CompuServe Network Services [computer, CompuServe]
- CNT Continue Operation [computer, signal]
- COC Center of Competence [management]
- COC Channel Operation Complete [computer, signal]
- COC Cochem-Zell/Mosel, Rheinland-Pfalz [car license] (DE)
- COC EC Certification of Conformity [car, transportation]
- COD Cash On Delivery [trade and industry]
- COD Cash/Collect On Delivery (GB, US)
- COD Collect On Delivery [trade and industry]
- COD Computer Originated Document [computer]
- COE Coesfeld/Westfalen, Nordrhein-Westfalen [car license] (DE)
- COG Center Of Gravity
- COI Center Of Interest
- COL Caldera Open Linux [computer, software, Linux]
- COM Command [computer, extension]
- COM Commercial [Internet]
- COM Common Object Model [computer, Microsoft]
- COM Component Object Model
- COM Continuation of Message [computer, networking]
- COO Chief Operating Officer [business, management]
- COS Cash On Shipment [trade and industry]
- COS Chief Of Staff
- COS Class of Service [computer, networking]
- COS Corporation for Open Systems
- COS Cosinus [mathematics]
- COS Crypto Operating System [computer, software, Omega product]
- COW Cluster of Workstation [computer, hardware, networking]
- CPA Certified Public Accountant (US)
- CPC Cost Per Click [marketing, Internet]
- CPE Contrat Première Embauche [government, law] (FR)
- CPE Customer Premises Equipment [computer, networking]
- CPF comdirect private finance [banking and broking, comdirect] (DE)
- CPL CIP3 Parser Library [computer, software, Fraunhofer-IGD product]
- CPL Cost Per Lead [marketing]
- CPL Current Privilege Level [computer, IBM]
- CPM Client Process Management [business]
- CPM Control Program for Microcomputers [computer, operation system]
- CPM Cost-per-Million (Impressions/Connections) [marketing]
- CPM Critical Path Method [computer, algorithm]
- CPO Chief Petty Officer [military] (US)
- CPO Chief Privacy Officer [business]
- CPO Chief Process Officer [business]
- CPO Cost Per Order [marketing]
- CPP C++ File [computer, software, language, extension]
- CPP Commercial Printing and Publishing
- CPP Cost Per Performance [marketing]
- CPP Customer Preview Program [computer, software, Microsoft]
- CPR Cardio Pulmonal Reanimation [rescue service]
- CPS Characters Per Second [unit]
- CPS Cycles Per Second [unit]
- CPU Central Processing Unit [computer, hardware]
- CQM Customer Quality Management [management, business]
- CRA Clinical Research Assistant
- CRA Current of Area [IBM IMS]
- CRC Class, Responsibility, Collaborators [computer, software, OOP]
- CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check/Code [computer]
- CRD Color Rendering Dictionary [computer, PostScript]
- CRI Cryptography Research Inc. [computer, software, company]
- CRL Certificate Revocation List [computer]
- CRL CompileTime Reconfigurable Logic [computer, software]
- CRM Crew Resource Management [flight]
- CRM Customer Relationship Management [business]
- CRO Chief Risk Officer [business, management]
- CRR Current of Record [IBM IMS]
- CRS Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité [government] (FR)
- CRT Cathode Ray Tube [computer, hardware]
- CRU Confirmed Registered User [computer, Internet]
- CRU Current of Run-Unit [IBM IMS]
- CSA Confederate States of America (US)
- CSA Credit Services Act [banking and broking]
- CSC Cargo Service Center [comapny] (DE)
- CSC Computer Science Corporation [computer, company]
- CSD Cambridge Structural Database [computer]
- CSE Communication Server for Enterprise [computer, hardware, Nortel Networks]
- CSE Consumer Electronic Show [fair]
- CSE Consumer Support Estimate [trade and industry]
- CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid [medical]
- CSG Constructive Solid Geometry [computer]
- CSH 'C' Shell [computer]
- CSI Crime Scene Investigation
- CSI Customer Satisfaction Index [trade and industry]
- CSL Call Support Layer [computer]
- CSM Cluster Systems Management [computer, hardware, IBM]
- CSN Customer Service Number [trade and industry]
- CSP Character Shape Player [computer, software, TrueDoc/Bitstream]
- CSP Cryptographic Service Provider [computer]
- CSR Cell Switch Router [computer, networking, Toshiba]
- CSR Certificate Signing Request [computer, software, Internet]
- CSR Channel Status Register [computer, hardware]
- CSR Character Shape Recorder [computer, software, TrueDoc/Bitstream]
- CSR Control and Status Register Management [computer, bus]
- CSS Cascading Style Sheets [computer, software]
- CSS Color System Support Group [company]
- CSS Content Scrambling System [audio/video]
- CST Central Standard Time [time]
- CSU Channel Service Unit [computer, hardware]
- CSU Christlich-Soziale Union [party] (DE)
- CSV Character Seperated Values [computer, format]
- CTA Chemisch-technischer Assistent (DE)
- CTA Commodity Trading Advisor [trade]
- CTB Communication Toolbox [computer, telecommunication, Apple]
- CTC Conrad Technologie Centrum [computer, company] (DE)
- CTD Cheapest-To-Deliver [banking and broking]
- CTD Common Technical Document [publishing, medical]
- CTF Capture the Flag [computer, games]
- CTG CISC (Customer Information Control System) Transaction Gateway for Java [computer, software, Java]
- CTL Complex Text Layout [computer, format]
- CTM Cordless Terminal Mobility [telecommunication]
- CTM Current Transformation Matrix [math]
- CTO Chief Technology Officer [business, management]
- CTP Computer to Plate [publishing]
- CTP Computer to Press [publishing]
- CTP Computer to Print [publishing]
- CTR Click-through Ratio [marketing, Internet]
- CTS Clear To Send [computer, signal]
- CUA Common User Interface [SNA]
- CUB Cuba [country]
- CUE Comparative Usability Evaluation (Molich) [computer, usability, study]
- CUL See You Later [slang, chat]
- CUX Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen [car license] (DE)
- CVD Chef vom Dienst (DE)
- CVE Collaborative Virtual Environment [computer, software]
- CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures [computer, security, MITRE]
- CVL Central Veterinary Laboratory [institute] (medical)
- CVO Chief Visionary Officer [business, management]
- CVP Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei [party] (CH)
- CVP Christliche Volkspartei [party] (DE)
- CVP Collaborative Virtual Prototyping [computer, software]
- CVP Color Video Printer [computer, format, Kodak]
- CVS Computer Vision Syndrome [medical, injury]
- CVS Concurrent Versions System [computer, software]
- CVT Continuously Variable Transmission [car, transportation]
- CVW CodeView for Windows [computer, software, Microsoft]
- CVW Collaborative Virtual Workspace License [computer, software]
- CWD Change Working Directory [computer, command]
- CWD Chronic Wasting Disease [medical, disease]
- CWM Common Warehouse Metamodel [computer, specification, OMG]
- CWO Cash With Order [trade and industry]
- CWO Cash Without Order
- CWO Chief Warrant Officer [military] (US)
- CZE Capillary Zone Electrophoresis [chemistry]
- CZE Czechia [country]

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