Acronym List - Letter E
: acronyms abkuerzungen letters extensions
- E&T Education and Training
- EAC European Astronautic Center [ESA]
- EAD Eigenbetrieb Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung d [company] (DE)
- EAD Ethernet-Anschlußdose [computer, hardware] (DE)
- EAI Enterprise Application Integration [computer, networking, software]
- EAI External Authoring Interface [computer, software]
- EAK Europäischer Abfallkatalog (DE)
- EAN Europäische Artikelnummer (DE)
- EAN European Article Number
- EAP Edgil Access Processor [computer, software, Edgil product]
- EAP Erweiterte ambulante Physiotherapie [medicine] (DE)
- EAR Export Administration Regulations [government, trade and industry] (US)
- EAV Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung [music, band]
- EBC EISA Bus Controller [computer, hardware]
- EBD Electronic Brakeforce Distribution [cars]
- EBE Ebersberg, Sachsen [car license] (DE)
- EBI Edeka Bestell- und Informationssystem [shopping] (DE)
- EBK Einbaukäche [home] (DE)
- EBL Erste Baugesellschaft Leipzig AG [company] (DE)
- EBM Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab [medical] (DE)
- EBN European Broadcast News [broadcast, company]
- EBN European Business Network [business, networking]
- EBS European Business School [school/university]
- EBT Electronic Book Technologies [company]
- EBU European Broadcasting Union [broadcast]
- EBV Elektrische Bremskraftverteilung [car, Mercedes Benz product] (DE)
- EBV Elektronische Bildverarbeitung [computer]
- ECA Event, Condition, Action [computer science]
- ECB European Central Bank [banking and broking]
- ECC Error Correction Code [computer, hardware]
- ECE Economic Commission for Europe
- ECE Electronic Commerce Europe Association [computer, association]
- ECF Elemental Chlorine Free [chemistry]
- ECG Electrocardiogram [medical]
- ECI Electric Classifieds. Inc. [computer, company] (US)
- ECI Enterprise Content Integration [computer, software]
- ECI European Currency Institute [banking and broking, institute]
- ECI External Call Interface [computer, software, Java]
- ECJ European Court of Justice
- ECL Emitter Coupled Logic [computer, hardware]
- ECL Execution Control List [computer, database]
- ECM Energy Center Netherlands [institute] (NL)
- ECM Enterprise Content Management [computer, software]
- ECM Error Correction Mode [telecommunication]
- ECM Espresso Coffee Machines Manufacture GmbH [company] (DE)
- ECO Complex Relation Object
- ECO Electronic Commerce Forum [computer, group]
- ECO Engineering Change Order (computer,)
- ECP Enhanced Capabilities Port [computer, Microsoft]
- ECP Euro Commercial Paper [banking and broking]
- ECR Efficient Consumer Response
- ECS Eagle Creek Systems, Inc. [computer, company] (US)
- ECS Eingebettetes Computing-System [computer] (DE)
- ECS Electronic Commerce Services [company, Deutsche Post] (DE)
- ECS Enterprise Content Studio [computer, software Pironet-NDH product]
- ECS European Car-Sharing [transportation, car, association]
- ECS Excellent Computer Systems [computer, company] (DE)
- ECS Informix Enterprise Consulting Services [computer, company]
- ECU EISA Configuration Utility [computer]
- ECU European Currency Unit [currency, unit]
- EDA Electronic Design Automation [computer]
- EDA Empresa de Electricidade dos Açores [company] (PT)
- EDC Electronic Debit Card [banking and broking]
- EDC Elektronische Dämpfer Control [car, technology, BMW] (DE)
- EDE Europe - Démocratie - Espéranto [government]
- EDI Electronic Data Interchange [computer]
- EDI Exploding Plastic.Inevitable [music, band] (US)
- EDM Electric Discharge Machining
- EDM Engineering Data Management [computer]
- EDM Enterprise Desktop Manager [computer, software, Novadigm product]
- EDO Enhanced/Extended Data Output [computer]
- EDP Electricidade de Portugal, S.A. [company] (PT)
- EDP Electronic Data Processing [computer]
- EDR Enhanced Data Rate [computer, networking]
- EDS Electronic Data Systems [computer, company] (US)
- EDS Electronic DIP Switch [computer, hardware]
- EDS EnCase Decryption Suite [computer, software, EnCase product]
- EDT Eastern Daylight Time [time] (US)
- EDU Educational [internet]
- EDV Elektronische Datenverarbeitung [computer] (DE)
- EDW Einbruch- und Diebstahlwarnung [car, Mercedes Benz product] (DE)
- EDX Electronic Data Exchange [computer]
- EEC European Economic Community
- EEE Electronic Entertainment Expo, Los Angeles [fair] (US)
- EEE EnCase Enterprise Edition [computer, software, EnCase product]
- EEE Extrem Erfolgreich Enterprises [publishing, company] (DE)
- EEF Europäische Entwicklungsfonds [government] (DE)
- EEG Electroencephalogram [medical]
- EEG Elektroenzephalographie [medical] (DE)
- EEG Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz [law, government] (DE)
- EEO Equal Emplyment Opportunity
- EES Escrowed Encryption Standard [computer, standard] (US)
- EEX European Energy Exchange [group]
- EFA Einfach für Alle [computer, Internet, government] (DE)
- EFA Elektronische Fahrplanauskunft [transportation] (DE)
- EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation [group of companies]
- EFH Einfamilienhaus [immovables, classified ads] (DE)
- EFH elektrische Fensterheber [car, classified ads] (DE)
- EFI Electronics For Imaging, Inc. [company]
- EFS Electronic Filing System [Excalibur product]
- EFS Electronic Focus - Short Back Focus [photography, Canon]
- EFT Electronic Funds Transfer [computer, banking and broking]
- EFT European File Transfer [computer, telecommunication]
- EFÜ Emmissionsdatenfernübertragung (DE)
- EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter [IBM standard]
- EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol [computer, networking, protocol]
- EGW Edge Gateway [computer, networking]
- EHC Eishockeyclub [association, sports] (DE)
- EHF Extremly High Frequency [physics]
- EHI EuroHandelsinstut, [institute, trade and industry] (DE)
- EHL École Hôtelière de Lausanne [university] (CH)
- EHS Environment, Health and Safety [trade and industry]
- EIA Electronics Industry Association [association]
- EIB Europäische Investitionsbank [organization, banking and broking] (DE)
- EIB European Investment Bank [banking and broking]
- EID Erdölinformationsdienst [company] (DE)
- EID Euro Incasso-Dienst [company, finance] (DE)
- EIE Error Interrupt [computer, signal]
- EIL Eisleben, Sachsen-Anhalt [car license] (DE)
- EIO Enhanced Input/Output [computer, hardware, HP]
- EIP Environmental Interface Processor
- EIS Eisenberg, Thüringen [car license] (DE)
- EIS Executive Information System [computer, software]
- EJB Enterprise Java Beans [computer, software, Java]
- EJO Electronic Journal Online [computer, software, OCLC product]
- EKC European Kings Club [company]
- EKD Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland [religion] (DE)
- EKG Elektrokardiogramm [medical] (DE)
- EKG Engelbert Kämpfer Gymnasium [school/university] (DE)
- EKG Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch [publishing] (DE)
- EKS EURO Kartensysteme GmbH [banking and broking, company] (DE)
- ELD Electro Lumineszenz Display [computer, hardware]
- ELF Electronic Commerce Forum [computer]
- ELO Electric Light Orchestra [music, band]
- ELO Elektronischer Leitz Ordner [computer, software, Leitz product] (DE)
- ELT Extremely Large Telescope [physics, optics, ESO]
- ELV Elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren [banking and broking] (DE)
- ELW Einliegerwohnung [classified ads, immovables] (DE)
- ELW Entsorgungsbetriebe der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden [company] (DE)
- EMA Entering Markets Abroad [AHK CD-ROM]
- EMA European Monetary Agreement
- EMA MTV Europe Music Award [music]
- EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
- EMD Emden, Niedersachsen [car license] (DE)
- EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework [computer, software, Eclipse]
- EMF Enhanced Metafile [computer, format]
- EMI External Memory Interface
- EMI Fraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut [institute] (DE)
- EML Ecological Metadata Language [computer, language]
- EML Educational Modelling Language [computer, language]
- EML Election Markup Language [computer, language]
- EML Elektronische Motorleistungsregulierung [car, BMW] (DE)
- EML Environmental Markup Language [computer, language]
- EMP Electromagnetic Pulse [physics]
- EMS Emergency Medical Service [rescue service]
- EMS Erreichbarkeitsmanagementsystem [computer, software] (DE)
- EMS European Monetary System [banking and broking]
- EMS Expanded Memory Specification
- EMS Rhein-Lahn-Kreis in Bad Ems, Rheinland-Pfalz [car license] (DE)
- EMT Emergency Medical Technican [rescue service]
- EMU European Monetary Union (UEN)
- EMV Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (DE)
- ENA Europäischen Notfall-Ausweis [medical] (DE)
- ENC Enclosure
- ENQ Enquiry [ASCII]
- EOC Emergency Operations Center (GB)
- EOC End Of Conversion [computer]
- EOD Eraseble Optical Disc [computer, hardware, storage]
- EOE European Options Exchange [banking and broking]
- EOF End Of File [computer]
- EOF Enterprise Object Framework [computer, software]
- EOL End Of Line [computer]
- EOL End Of List [computer]
- EOL Europe Online [company]
- EOM End Of Message [computer, networking]
- EOM End Of Month
- EOR Exclusive Or Logical [computer, command]
- EOT End Of Table [computer]
- EOT End Of Tape [computer]
- EOT End Of Text [ASCII]
- EOT End Of Transaction [computer]
- EOT End Of Transmission [computer]
- EPA Einmannpaket [military] (DE)
- EPA Environmental Protection Agency [government] (US)
- EPA Europäisches Patentamt *EPO (DE)
- EPG Electronic Program Guide [telecommunication, television]
- EPI Enhanced Publisher Integration [computer, Internet, Tradedoubler]
- EPI External Presentation Interface [computer, software, Java]
- EPL Eclipse Public License [computer, license, Eclipse]
- EPO Erythropoetin [bio-chemistry, medical] (DE)
- EPO European Patent Office
- EPP Electronic Publishers Partners [company]
- EPP Enhanced Parallel Port [computer, hardware]
- EPR European Nuclear Reactor (trade and)
- EPS Earnings per share [banking and broking]
- EPS Electronic Power Shift
- EPS Encapsulated PostScript [Adobe format]
- EPU Elektrophysiologische Untersuchung [medical] (DE)
- ERA European Rotogravure Association [group]
- ERB Editorial Review Board [group]
- ERB Odenwaldkreis in Erbach, Hessen [car license] (DE)
- ERC Euro Info Centre
- ERD Entity Relationship Diagram [computer, database]
- ERF Evangeliums-Rundfunk International e.V. [association, broadcast] (DE)
- ERH Erlangen-Höchstadt, Bayern [car license] (DE)
- ERM Electronic Records Management [computer]
- ERM Entity Relationship Model [computer, database]
- ERN European Rivers Network [association, nature]
- ERO European Research Office
- ERP Enterprise Resource Planning [computer, format]
- ERP Estimated Retail Price [business]
- ERP European Recovery Program
- ERR Error [computer, signal]
- ERS exclusive riding session
- ERU Emergency Recovery Unit [computer, software, Microsoft]
- ESA Eisenach, Thüringen [car license] (DE)
- ESA European Space Agency
- ESC Escape [ASCII, key]
- ESC Eurovision Song Contest [music, television]
- ESD Einfaches Syntaxdiagramm (DE)
- ESD elektrisches Schiebedach [car, classified ads] (DE)
- ESE Editorial System Engineering, Inc. [company]
- ESF European Science Foundation
- ESG Evangelische Studentengemeinde [association] (DE)
- ESL Electronic Shelf Labeling [trade and industry]
- ESL Electronic Sports League [comupter, games, sports]
- ESL elektrostatische Ladungseinheit [unit] (DE)
- ESL English as a Second Language
- ESO European Southern Observatory, [organization, physics, optics]
- ESP Electronic Shock Protection [Sony]
- ESP Elektronisches Stabilitätsprogramm [car, Mercedes Benz product]
- ESP Especially
- ESP Exceptional Sales Person [CraneMorley/Xerox product]
- ESP IPSec Encapsulated Security Payload [computer, networking]
- EST Eastern Standard Time [time] (US)
- ESW Werra-Meissner-Kreis in Eschwege, Hessen [car license] (DE)
- ESZ embryonale Stammzellen [bio-chemistry, medical] (DE)
- ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETB Elektronisches Telefonbuch [telecommunication, DeTeMedien] (DE)
- ETB End of Transmission Block [ASCII]
- ETB European Transaction Bank [banking and broking, company]
- ETD Estimated Time of Departure
- ETE Passive End-to-End Internet Service Performance [computer, networking, Internet]
- ETF Exchange Traded Funds [business, banking+brokerage]
- ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule [university] (CH)
- ETL extract, transform, load [computer, database]
- ETL Extraktion, Transformation und Laden [computer, database] (DE)
- ETP Electronic Technical Publishing [computer, publishing]
- ETS Elektronisches Tracking System [car, Mercedes Benz product] (DE)
- ETV Elektronisches Telefon Verzeichnis [telecommunication, Teleinfo] (DE)
- ETW Eigentumswohnung [immovables] (DE)
- ETX End of Text [ASCII]
- EUC Extended Buffer Extension [computer, hardware]
- EUR Euro [currency, banking and broking]
- EUV Extreme Ultra Violet [physics]
- EVA Economic Value Added [trade and industry]
- EVA Extra Vehicle Activities
- EVG Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft (DE)
- EVL Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Chicago [university] (US)
- EVP Endverbraucherpreis (DDR)
- EWA Europäisches Währungsabkommen (DE)
- EWG Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (DE)
- EWI Energiewirtschaftliches Institut der Universität Köln [institute, school/university] (DE)
- EWI Europäisches Wirtschaftsinstitut [trade and industry] (DE)
- EWR Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum [trade and industry] (DE)
- EWS Elektronische Wegfahrsperre [car, technology, BMW] (DE)
- EWS Europäisches Währungssystem [banking and broking] (DE)
- EWU Europäische Währungsunion [trade and industry] (DE)
- EXB ex BR, ohne Bezugsrecht [banking and broking] (DE)
- EXD exDiv, ohne Dividende [banking and broking] (DE)
- EXE Executable File [computer, extension]
- EXG Exchange Registers [computer, command]
- EXP Exponentioal function [mathematics]
- EXT Sign Extend [computer, command]
- EZB Europäische Zentralbank [trade and industry] (DE)
- EZU Europäische Zahlungsunion (DE)
- EZÜ Überweisungsvordrucke für Einzelaufträge (DE)
- EZV elektrische Zentralverriegelung [car, classified ads] (DE)
- EZV Elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr [banking and broking] (DE)

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