Acronym List - Letter P
: acronyms abkuerzungen letters extensions
- P&L Profit and Loss [trade and industry]
- P2P Peer-to-Peer [computer]
- P3P Platform for Privacy Preference Project [computer, standard, Internet, cookies]
- PAA Pan American World Airways System
- PAA Protected Access Architecture [computer, software, cryptography]
- PAB Policy Advisory Body [computer, Internet]
- PAC Personal Authentication Code [banking and broking, math]
- PAC Player Access Controll [computer, storage, PCD]
- PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler [computer, networking]
- PAD Program Associated Data [computer]
- PAF ##missing: ... Format ??
- PAF Pfaffenhofen/Ilm, Bayern [car license] (DE)
- PAI Personal Accident Insurance [insurance] (US)
- PAK Polyzyklische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe [chemistry] (DE)
- PAL Microsoft Color Palette [computer, format, Microsoft]
- PAL Pamela Anderson Lee [person] (US)
- PAL Phase Alternating Line [audio/video]
- PAL Programmable Array Logic [computer, hardware]
- PAM Phono Amplifier [HiFi, Audionet product]
- PAM Pluggable Authentication Module [computer]
- PAN Personal Area Network [computer, networking]
- PAN Rottal-Inn in Pfarrkirchen, Bayern [car license] (DE)
- PAP Printer Access Protocol [computer, protocol]
- PAR Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission
- PAS Pascal file [computer, format, extension]
- PAS Publicly Available Specification [computer]
- PAT Platform Administration Technology [computer, Intel]
- PAX Pixel Adressing Extension [Intel]
- PBA Physical Block Address [computer, storage]
- PBC Partei Bibeltreuer Christen [party] (DE)
- PBM Portable Bitmap [format]
- PBM Project Bridge Modeler [computer, software, ABT product]
- PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline [bio-chemistry]
- PBS Public Broadcasting Service ( [broadcasting, company] (US)
- PBU Page Buffer Unit [computer, software, Krause product]
- PBX Private Branch Exchange [telecommunication]
- PCA Policy Certification Authority [computer]
- PCA Principal Component Analysis [computer]
- PCA Professional Chess Association [association, sports]
- PCB polychlorierte Biphenyle [chemistry] (DE)
- PCB Printed Circuit Board [computer]
- PCB Program Control Block [computer]
- PCC Professional Computer Corporation [computer, company]
- PCD Photo Compact Disc [computer, storage]
- PCD Primäre Ciliäre Dyskinesie [medical] (DE)
- PCD Pussy Cat Dolls [music, band]
- PCF Price Cash Flow [banking and broking]
- PCH Parchim, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [car license] (DE)
- PCI AAL Protocol Control Information [computer, networking, ATM]
- PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect [computer, hardware]
- PCL Peripheral Control Line [computer, signal]
- PCL Printer Command Language [HP format]
- PCM Porsche Communication Management [car, Porsche product]
- PCM Pulse Code Modulation
- PCP Pentachlorphenol [chemistry]
- PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction [chemistry]
- PCS Patent Classification Service
- PCS PCL State [computer, signal]
- PCS Personal Communication Services/System
- PCS Physical Layer Controller [computer, networking]
- PCS Pinball Construction Set [computer, software]
- PCS Pre-Crash Safety System [cars, Lexus product]
- PCT Patent Cooperation Treaty
- PCT PCL Transition [computer, signal]
- PCT Private Communication Technology [computer, networking]
- PCX Picture Image [format]
- PDA Partei der Arbeit [party] (CH)
- PDA Personal Digital Assistant [computer, hardware]
- PDA Push Down Automaton [computer, theory]
- PDC Park Distance Control [car, technology]
- PDC Primary Domain Controller [computer, networking, Microsoft]
- PDC Professional Developers Conference [conference]
- PDC Programming Delivery Control [signal]
- PDD Protable Digital Document [computer, format, Apple]
- PDE EnCase Physical Disk Emulator [computer, software, EnCase product]
- PDE Partial Differential Equations [math]
- PDF Portable Document Format [computer, format, Adobe]
- PDF Printer Description File [computer, format, Quark]
- PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy [computer, networking]
- PDI Product Data Interchange [computer]
- PDL Page Description Language [computer, publishing]
- PDM Parlance Document Manager [Xyvision product]
- PDM Product Data Management [computer, management]
- PDM Produktdatenmanagement [computer] (DE)
- PDN Public Data Network [computer, networking]
- PDO Portable Distributed Objects [computer]
- PDQ Pretty Damn/Darned Quick [slang]
- PDS Packet Driver Specification [specification]
- PDS Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus [party] (DE)
- PDS Partitioned Data Set [computer, software, Java]
- PDS Physicians Data Query [computer, physics]
- PDS Processor Direct Slot [computer, hardware, Apple]
- PDS Professional Development System
- PDT Pacific Daylight Time [time] (US)
- PDT Photodynamische Therapie [medical] (DE)
- PDT Produktionsdatentechnik (DE)
- PDT Propagation Delay Time
- PDU Protocol Data Unit [computer, networking, OSI]
- PEA Positive Emotional Attractor
- PEB Projekt Elektronisches Buch [computer, publishing] (DE)
- PEC Personal Effects Coverage [insurance] (US)
- PEF persönliches Entwicklungs- und Förderseminar (DE)
- PEG Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V., [association, medicine] (DE)
- PEG PCI-Express for Graphics [computer, graphics, hardware]
- PEG Perkutane endoskopische Gastrostomie [medicine] (DE)
- PEG Polyethylenglykol [chemistry] (DE)
- PEG Price-Earning to Growth-Ratio [business, banking+brokerage]
- PEG Prignitzer Eisenbahn GmbH [company, transportation] (DE)
- PEI Paul-Ehrlich-Institut [institute] (DE)
- PEI Prince Edward Island
- PEM Privacy Enhancement for Internet Mail [computer]
- PEN Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Noveli [group]
- PEP Packetized Ensemble Protocol [computer, networking, protocol]
- PEP Peak Envelope Power [electronics]
- PEP Projekt Elektronisches Publizieren [computer, publishing] (DE)
- PEP Protocol Extension Protocol [computer, protocol, Internet]
- PER Perleberg, Brandenburg [car license] (DE)
- PER Price-Earnings Ratio [banking and broking]
- PET Polyethylenterephtalatester, Polyester [chemistry]
- PET Positron Emission Tomographie [medicine]
- PET Positronenemmisionstomographie [medicine] (DE)
- PET Print Enhancement Technology [Compaq]
- PEX Deutscher Pfandbriefindex [banking and broking] (DE)
- PEX PHIGS Extensions to X [group]
- PFB PostScript Font Binary [Adobe format, extension]
- PFC Private First Class [military] (US)
- PFD Pfund [unit] (DE)
- PFM PostScript Font Metrics [Adobe format, extension]
- PFP Privat finanzierte Preise [management] (DE)
- PFR Portable Font Resource [computer, software, TrueDoc/Bitstream]
- PFS Pulmonary Function System [health]
- PGA Pin Grid Array [computer. hardware]
- PGA Professional Graphics Adapter [IBM]
- PGH Produktionsgenossenschaft des Handwerks (DDR)
- PGK Personalgemeinkosten [management] (DE)
- PGL Professional Gamers League [computer]
- PGM Portable Gray Map [format]
- PGP Pretty Good Privacy [computer, software, algorithm]
- PGS Publications Gravure Server [computer, software, Hell Gravure Systems product]
- PHD Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy...) (Latin)
- PHF Posthotelfuckers, [music, band] (DE)
- PHF Public Health Foundation [organization, health] (US)
- PHP Personal Home Page [computer, software, Internet]
- PHP PHP Hypertext Processor [computer, language, Internet]
- PHY Physical Layer [computer, networking]
- PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter [computer, hardware]
- PIA Personal Intelligent Agent [computer, software, Autonomy product]
- PIA Persönlicher Internet Assistent [computer, software, Internet, Arcor] (DE)
- PIC Personal Intelligent Communicator [computer]
- PIC Programmable Integrated Circuit [computer, hardware]
- PIC Programmable Interrupt Controller [computer, hardware]
- PID Persistant Identifier
- PID Personal Identifier
- PID Process Identification Number [computer]
- PIL PackRat Integration Library [computer]
- PIL Public Image Limited [music, band]
- PIM Personal Information Manager [computer]
- PIM Product Information Management [computer]
- PIM Protocol Independent Multicast [computer, telecommunication]
- PIN Personal Identification Number [banking and broking]
- PIN Persönliche Identifikationsnummer [banking and broking] (DE)
- PIN Positive Intrinsic Negative Diode [computer, hardware]
- PIO Parallel I/O [computer]
- PIP Picture-In-Picture [display]
- PIR Pirna, Sachsen [car license] (DE)
- PIV Particle Image Velocimetry
- PIZ Patentinformationszentrum (DE)
- PJM Projektmanagement (DE)
- PKC Public Key Cryptography [computer, security]
- PKD Public Key Directory [computer, encryption]
- PKI Public Key Infrastucture [computer, software, security]
- PKS Public Key Service [computer, encryption]
- PKU Phenylketonuria [chemistry]
- PKV Private Krankenversicherung [medical] (DE)
- PKW Personenkraftwagen (DE)
- PLA Programmable Logic Array [computer, hardware]
- PLC PlanetLab Central [computer]
- PLC Private Label Card [banking and broking]
- PLC Programmable Logic Controller [computer, hardware]
- PLL Phase Locked Loop [computer, hardware]
- PLM Product Lifecycle Management [trade and industry, management]
- PLM Programming Language for Microcomputers [computer, programming language]
- PLO Palestina Liberty Organisation [organisation]
- PLO Palestine Liberation Organization [organization]
- PLÖ Plön/Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein [car license] (DE)
- PLP Packet Layer Protocol [computer, networking, OSI]
- PLS Personal Library Software [company]
- PLV Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis [trade and industry] (DE)
- PLV Production Level Video [computer, video]
- PLZ Please [slang, chat]
- PLZ Postleitzahl (DE)
- PMA Photo Marketing Association [association]
- PMA Physical Medium Attachement [computer, networking]
- PMA Plakat-Media-Analyse [marketing] (DE)
- PMD Physical Layer Medium Dependent Layer [computer, networking]
- PMD Physical Medium Dependent [computer, networking]
- PME Pflanzenöl-Methyl-Ester [chemistry] (DE)
- PMF Policy Management Framework [computer, software, security]
- PMI Platform Management Interface [computer, management]
- PMM Professional Media Magazine [magazine] (DE)
- PMS Premenstrual Syndrome [medical]
- PMT Personal Mobile Tool [computer, Sharp]
- PMW Project Manager Workbench [computer, software, ABT product]
- PNG Portable Network Graphic [format]
- PNI Picture Network International [company]
- PNK Personalnebenkosten [management] (DE)
- PNM Portable Anymap [computer, graphics, format]
- PNM Progressive Networks Media [computer, protocol]
- PNP Passauer Neue Presse [company] (DE)
- PNP Plug and Play, PnP [computer]
- PNP Positive Negative Positive [computer]
- PNP Public Network Provider [telecommunication, networking]
- PNR Passenger Name Record [computer, government, travelling]
- PNV Personennahverkehr (DE)
- POB Post Office Box
- POC Point Of Contact
- POC Policy Oversight Committee [computer, Internet]
- POC Port Of Call [transportation]
- POD Pay On Delivery [trade and industry]
- POD Planet of Death [software, game]
- POD Printing/Publishing On Demand [publishing]
- POE Perl Object Environment [computer, software, Perl]
- POE Port Of Embarkation [transportation]
- POE Port Of Entry [transportation]
- POG Polizeiorganisationsgesetz [government, law] (DE)
- POI Point Of Information [trade and industry]
- POO Post Office Order
- POP Point Of Presence [trade and industry]
- POP Popular Music [music]
- POP Post Office Protocol [computer, networking, protocol]
- POR Pay On Return [trade and industry]
- POS Persistent Object Service [computer, CORBA}]
- POS Point Of Sale [trade and industry]
- POV Persistence of Vision [computer, software]
- POV Point Of View [slang, chat]
- POW Prisoner Of War [military]
- POY Partially Oriented Yarn [chemistry]
- POZ Point of Sale (POS) ohne Zahlungsgarantie [banking and broking] (DE)
- PPA per procura
- PPB Parts Per Billion [unit]
- PPC pour prendre congé (FR)
- PPC PowerPC [computer, hardware]
- PPD PostScript Printer Description [Adobe format]
- PPE People, Places and Events [computer, software, code name for a potential Sysdeco product]
- PPF Print Production Format [CIP3 format]
- PPI Pape und Partner Informationssysteme GmbH [company]
- PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface
- PPI Protonenpumpen-Inhibitoren [bio-chemistry] (DE)
- PPI Publishing Partners International [company]
- PPL Power Plate Loading [MAN Roland product]
- PPM Pages Per Minute [unit]
- PPM parts per million [unit]
- PPM Portable Pix Map [computer, graphics, format]
- PPM Programmer's Package Manager [computer, software, Perl, ActivePerl]
- PPM Projektportfoliomanagement [management] (DE)
- PPM Pulse Position Modulation [electronics]
- PPP Petty Pet Peeve [slang, chat]
- PPP Point-to-Point Protocol [computer, protocol]
- PPP Public Private Partnership
- PPR Pinault-Printemps-Redoute [company]
- PPS Post Postscriptum (An additional postscript...) (Latin)
- PPS Printing & Publishing Service GmbH & Co. KG [company] (DE)
- PPS Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (DE)
- PPV Pay-per-View [telecommunication]
- PRG Partei für Renten Gerechtigkeit und Familie [party] (DE)
- PRG Program [computer, software]
- PRO Public Relations Officer
- PRP Prion-Protein [biology]
- PRV pour rendre visite (FR)
- PSA Physical Sector Address [computer, hardware]
- PSA prostataspezifisches Antigen [bio-chemistry] (DE)
- PSB PCI SCI Bridge [computer, hardware]
- PSB Projektstatusbericht (DE)
- PSD Page Setup Dialog
- PSD Photoshop Document [computer, format, Adobe]
- PSG Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, Sektion der Vierten Internationale [party] (DE)
- PSG Pfadfinderinnenschaft St. Georg [association] (DE)
- PSI Parapsychology
- PSI PostScript Interpreter [computer, hardware/software]
- PSI Prozeßsteuerungs- und Informationssysteme AG [company] (DE)
- PSI Public Software Institute [institute] (US)
- PSK Phase Shift Keying [computer, telecommunication]
- PSL Problem Statement Language/Problem Statement Analy
- PSM Porsche Stability Management [car, Porsche product]
- PSN Packet Switch Node [computer, networking]
- PSP Paint Shop Pro [JASC product, software, shareware]
- PSP persönlicher Softwareprozeß [computer, software] (de)
- PSP Process Service Provider/Provising [computer, trade and industry]
- PSP Program Segment Prefix
- PSP Projektstrukturplan (DE)
- PSR Positive Support Review [company]
- PSR Privater Sächsischer Rundfunk [group, broadcast] (DE)
- PST Fraunhofer-Patentstelle für die Deutsche Forschung [institute] (DE)
- PST Pacific Stanard Time [time] (US)
- PST Pacific Standard Time [time]
- PSU Page Storage Unit [computer, software, Krause product]
- PSU Psycho-soziale Unterstützung von Einsatzkräften [medical] (DE)
- PTA Parent Teacher Association [association] (US)
- PTA Pharmezeutisch-technischer Assistent (DE)
- PTA Physikalisch-technischer Assistent (DE)
- PTA Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern A [organization]
- PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt [institute] (DE)
- PTM Packet Transfer Mode [computer, networking]
- PTO Parent-Teacher Organization [organization] (US)
- PTO Please Turn Over [slang]
- PTP Point-To-Point [computer, networking]
- PTS Papiertechnische Stiftung [association, publishing] (DE)
- PTS Parktronic System [car, Mercedes Benz product] (DE)
- PTT Post, Telephon, Telegraph [company] (CH)
- PTT Postes, Télégraphe er Téléphone [telecommunication] (FR)
- PTT Push to Talk [telecommunication]
- PTV Public Television [broadcasting]
- PTY Pseudo TTY [computer]
- PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit [computer, hardware]
- PVC Polyvinylchlorid [chemistry]
- PVD Primary Volume Descriptor [computer, storage]
- PVI Precision Visuals International [company] (DE)
- PVM Parallel Virtual Machine [computer]
- PVM Projektverfolgungssystem (DE)
- PVS Potentially Visible Set [computer, graphics]
- PWA Papierwerke Waldhof-Aschaffenburg [company] (DE)
- PWB Programmers WorkBench [computer, software, Microsoft]
- PWD Password File [computer, extension]
- PWD Print Working Directory [UNIX command]
- PWG Printer Working Group [computer, group]
- PWL Password List [computer, Windows]
- PWM Pulse Width Modulation [physics]
- PWS Power Web Suite [computer, software]
- PWS Private Web Server [computer, software, Microsoft product]
- PWS Professional Work Station [computer, Nixdorf product]
- PXE Preboot eXecution Environment [computer, hardware, Intel]
- PZS Punktzugriffsstruktur

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