Boscoe: Boscoe CD Track Listing

A list by checkmate

Boscoe Boscoe (2008)
This blues cd contains 8 tracks and runs 47min 47sec.
Freedb: 5d0b3108


: Music



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  1. Boscoe - Introduction (04:38)
  2. Boscoe - Writin' on the Wall (08:03)
  3. Boscoe - He Keeps You (04:25)
  4. Boscoe - We Ain't Free (08:02)
  5. Boscoe - If I had my way (04:24)
  6. Boscoe - I'm what you need (04:11)
  7. Boscoe - Money Won't Save You (03:39)
  8. Boscoe - Now and Den (10:20)

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