Carl Orff: Carmina Burana CD Track Listing
Carl Orff
Carmina Burana
Barbara Hendricks, soprano\nJohn Aler, tenor\nH
: Music
: music songs tracks classical
- Carl Orff - O fortuna (02:48)
O Fortune\n\n\nO Fortuna O Fortune,\nvelut luna like the moon\nstatu variabilis, you are changeable,\nsemper crescis ever waxing\naut decrescis; - Carl Orff - Fortune plango vulnera (02:56)
(I bemoan the wounds of Fortune)\n\n\nFortune plango vulnera I bemoan the wounds of Fortune\nstillantibus ocellis with weeping eyes,\nquod sua michi munera for the gifts she made me\nsubtrahit rebellis. - Carl Orff - Veris leta facies (03:31)
(The merry face of spring)\n\n\n\nVeris leta facies The merry face of spring\nmundo propinatur, turns to the world,\nhiemalis acies sharp winter\nvicta iam fugatur, now flees, vanqu - Carl Orff - Omnia sol temperat (02:18)
(The sun warms everything)\n\n\nOmnia sol temperat The sun warms everything,\npurus et subtilis, pure and gentle,\nnovo mundo reserat once again it reveals to the world\nfaciem Aprilis, - Carl Orff - Ecce gratum (02:47)
(Behold, the pleasant spring)\n\n\nEcce gratum Behold, the pleasant\net optatum and longed-for\nVer reducit gaudia, spring brings back joyfulness,\npurpuratum violet - Carl Orff - Tanz (01:40)
(Dance) - Carl Orff - Floret silva (03:15)
(The woods are burgeoning)\n\n\n(Chorus)\nFloret silva nobilis The noble woods are burgeoning\nfloribus et foliis. with flowers and leaves.\n\n(Small Chorus)\nUbi est antiquus Where is the lover\nmeus amic - Carl Orff - Chramer, gip die varwe mir (03:19)
(Shopkeeper, give me colour)\n\n(Semi-Chorus)\nChramer, gip die varwe mir, Shopkeeper, give me colour\ndie min wengel roete, to make my cheeks red,\ndamit ich die jungen man so that I can make the young men\nan ir dank der - Carl Orff - Reie; Swaz hie gat umbe; Chume, chume, geselle min (04:17)
Swaz hie gat umbe\n\nSwaz hie gat umbe, Those who go round and round\ndaz sint alles megede, are all maidens,\ndie wellent an man they want to do without a man\nallen disen sumer gan! all summer - Carl Orff - Were diu werlt alle min (00:54)
(Were all the world mine)\n\nWere diu werlt alle min Were all the world mine\nvon deme mere unze an den Rin from the sea to the Rhine,\ndes wolt ih mih darben, I would starve myself of it\ndaz diu chunegin von Engellant - Carl Orff - Estuans interius (02:31)
(Burning Inside)\n\nEstuans interius Burning inside\nira vehementi with violent anger,\nin amaritudine bitterly\nloquor mee menti: I speak to my heart:\nfactus de materia, - Carl Orff - Olim lacus colueram (03:41)
(The Roast Swan)\n\nOlim lacus colueram, Once I lived on lakes,\nolim pulcher extiteram, once I looked beautiful\ndum cignus ego fueram. when I was a swan.\n\n(Male chorus)\nMiser, miser! Miser - Carl Orff - Ego sum abbas (01:42)
(I am the abbot)\n\nEgo sum abbas Cucaniensis I am the abbot of Cockaigne\net consilium meum est cum bibulis, and my assembly is one of drinkers,\net in secta Decii voluntas mea est, and I wish to be in the order of Decius,\net qui mane me ques - Carl Orff - In taberna quando sumus (03:06)
(When we are in the tavern)\n\nIn taberna quando sumus When we are in the tavern,\nnon curamus quid sit humus, we do not think how we will go to dust,\nsed ad ludum properamus, but we hurry to gamble,\ncui semper insudamus. - Carl Orff - Amor volat undique (03:14)
(Cupid flies everywhere)\n\n \nAmor volat undique, Cupid flies everywhere\ncaptus est libidine. seized by desire.\nIuvenes, iuvencule Young men and women\nconiunguntur merito. are rightly co - Carl Orff - Dies, nox et omnia (02:21)
(Day, night and everything)\n\nDies, nox et omnia Day, night and everything\nmichi sunt contraria; is against me,\nvirginum colloquia the chattering of maidens\nme fay planszer, makes me w - Carl Orff - Stetit puella (01:40)
(A girl stood)\n\nStetit puella A girl stood\nrufa tunica; in a red tunic;\nsi quis eam tetigit, if anyone touched it,\ntunica crepuit. the tunic rustled.\nEia. - Carl Orff - Circa mea pectora (02:12)
(In my heart)\n\n(Baritone and Chorus) In my heart\n\nCirca mea pectora In my heart\nmulta sunt suspiria there are many sighs\nde tua pulchritudine, for your beauty,\nque me ledunt misere. - Carl Orff - Si puer cum puellula (00:54)
(If a boy with a girl)\n\nSi puer cum puellula If a boy with a girl\nmoraretur in cellula, tarries in a little room,\nfelix coniunctio. happy is their coupling.\nAmore suscrescente Love rises - Carl Orff - Veni, veni, venias (01:00)
(Come, come, O come)\n\nVeni, veni, venias Come, come, O come\n\nVeni, veni, venias, Come, come, O come,\nne me mori facias, do not let me die,\nhyrca, hyrce, nazaza, hycra, hycre, nazaza,\nt - Carl Orff - In trutina (02:13)
(In the balance)\n\nIn truitina mentis dubia In the wavering balance of my feelings\nfluctuant contraria set against each other\nlascivus amor et pudicitia. lascivious love and modesty.\nSed eligo quod video, - Carl Orff - Tempus est iocundum (02:22)
(This is the joyful time)\n\nTempus es iocundum, This is the joyful time,\no virgines, O maidens,\nmodo congaudete rejoice with them,\nvos iuvenes. young men!\n\n(Baritone - Carl Orff - Dulcissime (00:35)
(Sweetest one)\n\nDulcissime, Sweetest one! Ah!\ntotam tibi subdo me! I give myself to you totally! - Carl Orff - Ave formosissima (01:42)
(Hail, most beautiful one)\n\nAve formosissima, Hail, most beautiful one,\ngemma pretiosa, precious jewel,\nave decus virginum, Hail, pride among virgins,\nvirgo gloriosa, glorious - Carl Orff - O fortuna (02:53)
(O Fortune)\n\nO Fortuna, O Fortune,\nvelut luna like the moon\nstatu variabilis, you are changeable,\nsemper crescis ever waxing\naut decrescis;

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