For Stars: We Are All Beautiful People CD Track Listing

A list by checkmate

For Stars We Are All Beautiful People (2001)
YEAR: 2001
This country cd contains 11 tracks and runs 37min 28sec.
Freedb: 9508c60b


: Music



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  1. For Stars - I Got Connected (03:32)
  2. For Stars - How It Goes (02:45)
  3. For Stars - Back In France (02:56)
  4. For Stars - Beautifully... (03:39)
  5. For Stars - In Open Plains (03:03)
  6. For Stars - The Astronaut Song (03:24)
  7. For Stars - People Party (03:23)
  8. For Stars - Only Star (02:50)
  9. For Stars - Wires (03:22)
  10. For Stars - There Was A River (06:25)
  11. For Stars - If I Could (02:00)

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