Best Service: sound collection CD 2 -d- CD Track Listing
Best Service
sound collection CD 2 -d- (2000)
This data cd contains 99 tracks and runs 71min 28sec.
Freedb: dc10be63
: Music
: music songs tracks data Sound Collection
- Best Service - Telefax / fax (00:40)
- Best Service - Kopierer / copying machine (00:23)
- Best Service - Laserdrucker / laserprinter (00:30)
- Best Service - PC Computer startet leise / pc noise (01:17)
- Best Service - LKW mit Dieselmotor / diesel truck (00:23)
- Best Service - Auto an Tankstelle / car, petrol station, misc (01:34)
- Best Service - Auto startet / car starts (00:38)
- Best Service - Autobahn, schneller Verkehr / highway, fast traffic (00:38)
- Best Service - Auto Innenger
- Best Service - Auto Scheibenwischer / car windshield (00:42)
- Best Service - Autot
- Best Service - Kofferraumt
- Best Service - Autohupe / car horns1 (00:18)
- Best Service - Autohupe / car horns2 (00:17)
- Best Service - in Auto einsteigen losfahren / car get in, start, drive, get out (00:32)
- Best Service - Reifenquitschen beim bremsen / car comes in, tire squeal 1 (00:11)
- Best Service - Reifenquitschen beim bremsen / car comes in, tire squeal 2 (00:11)
- Best Service - Kavalierstart Auto / car squeal tires while pulling away (00:13)
- Best Service - Bahnhof Bahnsteig Zug kommt / train station, general ambience, trains (00:50)
- Best Service - Bahnhof / train station, general ambience (01:34)
- Best Service - S-Bahnhof Zug kommt / train station, train arrives, departs (01:13)
- Best Service - S-Bahnfahrt im Abteil / train interior, running along (01:09)
- Best Service - Bahnhofsatmosph
- Best Service - U-Bahnhof Atmosph
- Best Service - U-Bahnhof Zug kommt / train, subway arrives (00:52)
- Best Service - U-Bahn innen / train, subway interior (01:17)
- Best Service - U-Bahn innen / train, subway interior 2 (01:08)
- Best Service - Lautsprecheransage im Hauptbahnhof / train station atmosphere 2 (01:13)
- Best Service - Diesellok startet / train, diesel, start (00:31)
- Best Service - Zug f
- Best Service - Zug f
- Best Service - Zug kommt an / train arrives, departs (00:43)
- Best Service - Bus kommt an / bus arrives (00:38)
- Best Service - Fahrrad Kettenschaltung / bicycle chain sounds (00:49)
- Best Service - Fahrradklingel / bicycle ring (00:11)
- Best Service - Radfahrer st
- Best Service - Am Rangierbahnhof / train, switching yard (00:53)
- Best Service - Baustelle mit Maschinen und L
- Best Service - Baustelle Planierraupe / construction, bulldozer (00:53)
- Best Service - Baustelle Elektros
- Best Service - Stadtverkehr / city atmosphere, heavy traffic (01:02)
- Best Service - Stadtverkehr Krankenwagen / city atmosphere, ambulance (00:53)
- Best Service - Stadtverkehr bei Regen / city atmosphere, medium traffic, rain (00:55)
- Best Service - Stadtatmosph
- Best Service - Stadtatmosph
- Best Service - Stadtatmosph
- Best Service - Sport Tennis au
- Best Service - Oktoberfest Festzelt / Oktoberfest, Munich (01:00)
- Best Service - Oktoberfest Festzelt Bier trinken / Oktoberfest, Munich, drinking beer (01:17)
- Best Service - Achterbahn / rollercoaster 1 (01:14)
- Best Service - Oktoberfest Festzelt / rollercoaster 2 (00:31)
- Best Service - Geisterbahn / haunted house (00:53)
- Best Service - Propellerflugzeug innen / airplane, propeller, inside (00:16)
- Best Service - Propellerflugzeug st
- Best Service - Kampfhubschrauber / helicopter fighter (00:10)
- Best Service - Propellerflugzeug mit Maschinengewehr / airplane, propeller, guns (00:31)
- Best Service - Maschinengewehr / machine gun (00:09)
- Best Service - Sirene Fliegeralarm / siren, air raid (00:18)
- Best Service - Explosion / explosion 1 (00:14)
- Best Service - Kampfger
- Best Service - Kampfger
- Best Service - Kampfger
- Best Service - Kampfger
- Best Service - Kampfger
- Best Service - Schl
- Best Service - Kampfszene Schie
- Best Service - Raketenstart / space rocket (00:16)
- Best Service - Laserpistole Elektroschock / lasergun, lockout (00:13)
- Best Service - Planetenbasis XC / planet basis XC (00:13)
- Best Service - Startende Raumschiffe / spaceships take of (00:22)
- Best Service - Raumschiff Computer / spaceship computer (00:14)
- Best Service - Spaceaction / space action (00:22)
- Best Service - Bizarre Planeten Atmosph
- Best Service - Transmission Beam Beamerstrahl / transmission beam (00:10)
- Best Service - Flush / rematerialisation (00:11)
- Best Service - Raumgleiterstart / space orbiter, start (01:04)
- Best Service - Druckerei betreten / printing press, hallo come in (00:22)
- Best Service - Druckerei Druckmaschine / printing press, room ambience 1 (00:52)
- Best Service - Druckerei Druckmaschine / printing press, room ambience 2 (01:07)
- Best Service - Druckerei Druckmaschine / printing press, room ambience 3 (01:49)
- Best Service - Cafe Atmosph
- Best Service - Finger schnippen / finger snipping (00:12)
- Best Service - US Polizeisirene / police US, sirene (00:21)
- Best Service - Auto Alarmanlage / auto alarm (00:13)
- Best Service - Standuhr ticken / grandfather clock 1 (00:19)
- Best Service - Standuhr / grandfather clock 2 (00:37)
- Best Service - Standuhr / grandfather clock 3 (01:42)
- Best Service - KuckucksUhr / cocoo-clock (00:27)
- Best Service - Wanduhr / wall-clock (00:16)
- Best Service - Wecker / alarm clock, ring (00:26)
- Best Service - Wecker / alarm clock, ring 2 (00:27)
- Best Service - kleiner Digital-Wecker / small alarm clock, ring (00:13)
- Best Service - Telephone / telephone (00:28)
- Best Service - Applaus Stehende Ovationen / applause, standing ovation (00:13)
- Best Service - Tropenwald / tropical wood, birds (02:48)
- Best Service - D
- Best Service - D
- Best Service - Hubschrauber startet / aircraft, helicopter start (02:06)
- Best Service - D

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