library of natural sounds: sounds of neotropical rainforest mammals disc 2 CD Track Listing
library of natural sounds
sounds of neotropical rainforest mammals disc 2
library of natural sounds - cornell laboratory of ornithology
This data cd contains 54 tracks and runs 62min 48sec.
Freedb: 120eb636
: Music
: music songs tracks data Sound Clip
- library of natural sounds - pygmy marmoset - chucks and seeps, disturbance trills & long call & long call (00:57)
- library of natural sounds - silvery marmoset - long calls (00:51)
- library of natural sounds - black-tailed silvery marmoset - long calls (00:37)
- library of natural sounds - snethlage's marmoset - social whistles and raspy calls of dependant juveniles, long calls (01:17)
- library of natural sounds - tassle-eared marmot - disturbance chirps and chips, long calls (01:37)
- library of natural sounds - buffy-headed marmoset - social twitters and whines, disturbance calls, long calls (01:47)
- library of natural sounds - saddleback tamarin - disturbance & terretorial battle with chips, trills, partial long calls & long calls (01:49)
- library of natural sounds - golden-mantle tamarin - mild disturbance, stronger disturbance (00:57)
- library of natural sounds - black-mantle tamarin - foraging group slight disturbance, individuals dispersed in canopy calling to each other, group disturbance many alarm calls, long calls (02:17)
- library of natural sounds - emperor tamarin - disturbance whines (00:39)
- library of natural sounds - red-chested mustached tamarin - long calls and some disturbance calls (01:07)
- library of natural sounds - black-chested mustached tamarin - disturbance whines, disturbance, long calls (01:13)
- library of natural sounds - golden-handled or midas tamarin - disturbance (00:39)
- library of natural sounds - brazilian bare-faced tamarin - long calls, trills (01:00)
- library of natural sounds - silvery-brown bare-faced tamarin - disturbance, long calls (01:02)
- library of natural sounds - cotton-top tamarin - disturbance during capture, disturbance, one long call, long calling, 2 series (00:56)
- library of natural sounds - geoffroy's tamarin - disturbance calls & long calls (01:20)
- library of natural sounds - golden lion tamarin - calls of foraging group - rasping of juveniles, whistles, chirps, long calls (01:47)
- library of natural sounds - golden-headed lion tamarin - long calls of captives (00:43)
- library of natural sounds - golden-rumped lion tamarin - social calls, long call of captives (00:59)
- library of natural sounds - goeldi's monkey - barks, twitters, trills, long calls (mixed group with sp track 12 but almost all calls are this sp) (01:17)
- library of natural sounds - azara's night monkey - gruff hooter, tonal hooter (01:03)
- library of natural sounds - feline night monkey - group alarming (01:17)
- library of natural sounds - grey-necked night monkey - hoots (00:45)
- library of natural sounds - dusky titi monkey - group chorus (01:02)
- library of natural sounds - masked titi monkey - group chorus (00:53)
- library of natural sounds - yellow-handed titi monkey - group chorus (01:16)
- library of natural sounds - central american squirrel monkey - sounds of foraging group (00:40)
- library of natural sounds - common squirrel monkey - foraging group (00:37)
- library of natural sounds - white-faced capuchin monkey - foraging group & social calls & loud scream-like calls of 2-3 far apart groups (01:53)
- library of natural sounds - brown capuchin monkey - foraging - feeding group, excited calls, whistle series with chucks & disturbance (01:48)
- library of natural sounds - white-throated capuchin monkey - loud barks, social calls & loud calls (01:02)
- library of natural sounds - wedge-capped or weeping capuchin monkey - group foraging & response of male to playback-- social or disturbance calls (01:08)
- library of natural sounds - equatorial saki monkey - disturbance calls, female twittering and male barks, male hoarse coughs (01:05)
- library of natural sounds - monk saki monkey - disturbance grunts (00:21)
- library of natural sounds - gray's monk saki monkey - group foraging (00:30)
- library of natural sounds - guianan saki monkey - disturbance calls, loud whistle (00:34)
- library of natural sounds - white-nosed bearded saki monkey - group foraging (falling fruit in background), disturbance (01:15)
- library of natural sounds - brown bearded saki monkey - group foraging, disturbance (01:21)
- library of natural sounds - red uakari monkey - large group foraging (00:54)
- library of natural sounds - black uakari monkey - large group foraging and jumping & loud rasping calls (01:07)
- library of natural sounds - red-handed howler monkey - roaring chorus (00:39)
- library of natural sounds - black howler monkey - male barks, roars, and oodling (bubbling call), this special also emits prolonged roaring (00:57)
- library of natural sounds - brown howler monkey - roaring chorus (00:47)
- library of natural sounds - mantled howler monkey - male barks, roaring (01:38)
- library of natural sounds - mexican black howler monkey - roaring (00:57)
- library of natural sounds - red howler monkey - roaring, males only (00:52)
- library of natural sounds - yellow-tailed wooly monkey - calls of young female-- disturbance calls, first mild, then strong (00:49)
- library of natural sounds - common wooly monkey - foraging, alarm & alarm or long distance call, loud scream-like barks (01:27)
- library of natural sounds - white-bellied spider monkey - long distance calls (great calls) (00:50)
- library of natural sounds - black-faced spider monkey - whinnies & alarms to aerial predators, chortles, great calls (01:13)
- library of natural sounds - central american spider monkey - whinnies & squeaks & mild disturbance, strong disturbance, great calls (02:54)
- library of natural sounds - guianan black spider monkey - loud yelps & great calls (01:16)
- library of natural sounds - muriqui monkey - social calls of mother and young, group interaction, chuckle during embrance, alarm barks, long distance calls (neighs) (02:38)

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