RayCharles: MyWorld;WarnerBros9-26735-2 CD Track Listing

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RayCharles MyWorld;WarnerBros9-26735-2 (1993)
This data cd contains 10 tracks and runs 44min 47sec.
Freedb: 810a7d0a


: Music



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  1. RayCharles - MyWorld(PhilRoy,BobThieleJr,BillyValentine;1993,RayCharles) (04:01)
  2. RayCharles - SongForYou,A(LeonRussell;1993,RayCharles) (04:12)
  3. RayCharles - NoneOfUsAreFree(BrendaRussell,BarryMann,CynthiaWeil;1993,RayCharles) (04:59)
  4. RayCharles - SoHelpMeGod(JudJFriedman,AllanRich;1993,RayCharles) (03:59)
  5. RayCharles - LetMeTakeOver(LeMelHumes;1993,RayCharles) (05:25)
  6. RayCharles - OneDropOfLove(KenHirsch,CharleneSeeger;1993,RayCharles) (04:22)
  7. RayCharles - IfICould(RonMiller,KenHirsch,MartiSharron;1993,RayCharles) (04:52)
  8. RayCharles - LoveHasAMindOfItsOwn(TomSnow,JimmyScott;1993,RayCharles) (04:06)
  9. RayCharles - I'llBeThere(MickLeeson,PeterVale;1993,RayCharles) (03:47)
  10. RayCharles - StillCrazyAfterAllTheseYears(1974,PaulSimon;1993,RayCharles) (04:57)

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