Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band: Scottish Rant CD Track Listing

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Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band Scottish Rant (2000)
YEAR: 2000
This folk cd contains 14 tracks and runs 45min 22sec.
Freedb: c40aa00e


: Music



Music category icon, top 100 and cd listings
  1. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Asturian Reels and Jigs (03:34)
  2. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Congressional Reels (02:32)
  3. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Amazing Grace (02:27)
  4. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Medley (05:39)
  5. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Solo Jig and Hornpipes (03:17)
  6. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - 9/8 Marches (03:26)
  7. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Dunblane (05:02)
  8. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - The Recruits (02:13)
  9. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Jigs (02:30)
  10. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Competition Set (05:16)
  11. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Mist Covered Mountains (01:52)
  12. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Old Reels (04:19)
  13. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Marching Reels (01:34)
  14. Bonnie Rideout/City of Washington Pipe Band - Scotland the Brave (01:32)

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