Sample CD: Heart Of Africa CD Track Listing
Sample CD
Heart Of Africa
This folk cd contains 99 tracks and runs 65min 30sec.
Freedb: e50f5863
: Music
: music songs tracks folk Samples- Sample CD - Demosong (01:18)
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Instrument - Kastagnetten (00:08)
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Afro-S
- Sample CD - Choir - aaah oooh (03:35)
- Sample CD - Choir - laaa (01:34)
- Sample CD - Choir - yaaa (00:08)
- Sample CD - Choir - mmmh (05:01)
- Sample CD - Choir - oooh (01:27)
- Sample CD - 1 S
- Sample CD - Ger
- Sample CD - Instrument - 1 x Trommel (00:07)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Handclap (00:46)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnippeln (00:08)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Trommelwirbel (00:35)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schellenrassel (00:49)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Regenstab (01:49)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Shaker (00:40)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holzrassel (00:13)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Metallklingen (01:10)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holzkl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Pauke (01:40)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Trommel tief (01:19)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Bongo 1 (00:14)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Bongo 2 (00:24)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Blechtrommel (00:35)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Konga (00:13)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Percussion 1 (00:16)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Perc Bells (00:09)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Rumba (00:08)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Percussion 2 (00:07)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Pling-Plop (00:18)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Plings + Hall 1 (00:16)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Plings + Hall 2 (00:15)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Plops dumpf (01:12)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Plops hoch (01:05)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Trommelrasseln (00:31)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schelle div (00:33)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Rumbas div (00:39)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Ploprassel (00:20)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Tr. + Pitch EG (01:40)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Sidestick (00:11)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holztrompete (00:09)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Mundharmonika (00:30)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Waldfl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Qu
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Fl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrmetall 1 (01:00)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrmetall 2 (00:08)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrmetall 3 (00:17)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrmetall 4 (01:14)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Plim (00:22)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Xylophon (00:06)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrmetall 5 (01:03)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Xylophon + Tambourin (00:19)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrmetall 6 (00:29)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Harfe (00:09)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Schnarrsaiten (00:25)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Zupfseiten (00:07)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holzbl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holzbl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holz + Schelle (00:24)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holzbl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holzbl
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holz + Schnarr (00:49)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Kleinholz 1 (00:06)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Kleinholz 2 (00:07)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Kleinholz 3 (00:08)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Kleinholz 4 (00:18)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holz dumpf (00:19)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Xyloholz (00:07)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Dumpfschlag (01:03)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Marimba (00:08)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Gong (00:08)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Holz zirp (00:13)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Maultrommel (00:21)
- Sample CD - Instrument - all conga 1 (00:09)
- Sample CD - Instrument - all conga 2 (00:22)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Plocks (01:26)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Wood + Hall (00:23)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Blecheimer (00:30)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Saiten (00:47)
- Sample CD - Instrument - Saite + Schnarr (00:27)
- Sample CD - Tiere - Grillenzirpen (02:32)
- Sample CD - Tiere - K
- Sample CD - Tiere - Elefant - Tieger (00:34)
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