Donna the Buffalo: 2004-02-14 Starr Hill Music Hall Charlottesville, VA - 2 CD Track Listing

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Donna the Buffalo 2004-02-14 Starr Hill Music Hall Charlottesville, VA - 2 (2004)
This folk cd contains 7 tracks and runs 63min 36sec.
Freedb: 440ee607


: Music



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  1. Donna the Buffalo - 40 Days & 40 Nights (12:30)
  2. Donna the Buffalo - The Mill (06:47)
  3. Donna the Buffalo - No Place Like The Right Time (06:04)
  4. Donna the Buffalo - Mystic Water (14:47)
  5. Donna the Buffalo - Hamilton Club (10:09)
  6. Donna the Buffalo - Life Is Strange (07:41)
  7. Donna the Buffalo - Slow Down w/ Jim Lauderdale (05:32)

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