Benny & Joyce and Friends: Leonardo Barmusik Vol. 1 - Benny & Joyce and Friends CD Track Listing

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Benny & Joyce and Friends Leonardo Barmusik Vol. 1 - Benny & Joyce and Friends (2006)
Aufgenommen im Restaurant LEONARDO, Essen\nAlbanese Music, Zweigertstr. 55, 45131 Essen, Germany\,
This jazz cd contains 12 tracks and runs 72min 29sec.
Freedb: 9f10fb0c


: Music



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  1. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Hotel California (06:08)
  2. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Have I told you lately (06:12)
  3. Benny & Joyce and Friends - L-O-V-E (03:11)
  4. Benny & Joyce and Friends - This masquerade (04:13)
  5. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Lately (05:24)
  6. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Mexico (03:06)
  7. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Help me make it through the night (02:51)
  8. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Old town (03:36)
  9. Benny & Joyce and Friends - The girl is mine (04:25)
  10. Benny & Joyce and Friends - How come how long (04:12)
  11. Benny & Joyce and Friends - What you are (06:55)
  12. Benny & Joyce and Friends - Data Track (Concert Video) (22:08)

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