Depeche Mode: Depmodey

A list by checkmate

Depeche Mode Depmodey


: Music



Music category icon, top 100 and cd listings
  1. Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes (Rem DM Remix) (05:04)
  2. Depeche Mode - Dream On (The Real After Dark Mix) (05:43)
  3. Depeche Mode - Halo (X-Tended
  4. Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved (Second Sight Mix) (03:42)
  5. Depeche Mode - Megamix (Princess Di is Stripped Mix) (07:32)
  6. Depeche Mode - In Your Memory (Beat to Be Free Remix) (07:18)
  7. Depeche Mode - Strange Love (2004 Aacchenti Pokai Dub Mix) (06:54)
  8. Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes (Strange Remix) (05:15)
  9. Depeche Mode - Dream On (Final Pink Mix) (09:44)
  10. Depeche Mode - Barrel Of A Gun (Development Mix) (10:27)
  11. Depeche Mode - Agent Orange (Skinflutes Perfection Remix) (07:12)

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