St. Ann's Choir: All Are Welcome CD Track Listing

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St. Ann's Choir All Are Welcome (2004)
This misc cd contains 16 tracks and runs 52min 10sec.
Freedb: e90c3810
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  1. St. Ann's Choir - All Are Welcome (03:06)
  2. St. Ann's Choir - Wonderful, Merciful Savior (04:32)
  3. St. Ann's Choir - I Will Sing, I Will Sing (02:05)
  4. St. Ann's Choir - Always Be A Child (03:47)
  5. St. Ann's Choir - Give Thanks To The Lord (02:02)
  6. St. Ann's Choir - Angel Of God/Open Our Eyes (04:56)
  7. St. Ann's Choir - They'll Know We Are Christians (01:59)
  8. St. Ann's Choir - Shout To The Lord (04:00)
  9. St. Ann's Choir - Give Me Jesus (04:00)
  10. St. Ann's Choir - Jerusalem My Destiny (03:53)
  11. St. Ann's Choir - Deep, Way Down (02:26)
  12. St. Ann's Choir - In My Life/If We Never Meet Again (03:27)
  13. St. Ann's Choir - O Draw Me Lord (03:25)
  14. St. Ann's Choir - Victory Chant (02:20)
  15. St. Ann's Choir - Press On (03:41)
  16. St. Ann's Choir - Go Make A Difference (02:21)

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