Phthalocyanine and Crank: Many very fine songs '95-'99 CD Track Listing

A list by checkmate

Phthalocyanine and Crank Many very fine songs '95-'99 (2001)
This rock cd contains 9 tracks and runs 57min 23sec.
Freedb: 770d7109
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  1. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Traditional 19 (07:40)
  2. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Spawn / 107 (07:46)
  3. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Klang (03:31)
  4. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Midi received (05:21)
  5. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Evil data (06:42)
  6. Phthalocyanine and Crank - LA metrorail (06:38)
  7. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Serbian death march (06:48)
  8. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Aftermarch (04:52)
  9. Phthalocyanine and Crank - Two fists of fury (07:59)

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